您选择的条件: Shensheng Han
  • Roles of scattered and ballistic photons in imaging through scattering media: a deep learning-based study

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Scattering of light in complex media scrambles optical wavefronts and breaks the principles of conventional imaging methods. For decades, researchers have endeavored to conquer the problem by inventing approaches such as adaptive optics, iterative wavefront shaping, and transmission matrix measurement. That said, imaging through/into thick scattering media remains challenging to date. With the rapid development of computing power, deep learning has been introduced and shown potentials to reconstruct target information through complex media or from rough surfaces. But it also fails once coming to optically thick media where ballistic photons become negligible. Here, instead of treating deep learning only as an image extraction method, whose best-selling advantage is to avoid complicate physical models, we exploit it as a tool to explore the underlying physical principles. By adjusting the weights of ballistic and scattered photons through a random phasemask, it is found that although deep learning can extract images from both scattered and ballistic light, the mechanisms are different: scattering may function as an encryption key and decryption from scattered light is key sensitive, while extraction from ballistic light is stable. Based on this finding, it is hypothesized and experimentally confirmed that the foundation of the generalization capability of trained neural networks for different diffusers can trace back to the contribution of ballistic photons, even though their weights of photon counting in detection are not that significant. Moreover, the study may pave an avenue for using deep learning as a probe in exploring the unknown physical principles in various fields.

  • Micro-Vibration Modes Reconstruction Based on Micro-Doppler Coincidence Imaging

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Micro-vibration, a ubiquitous nature phenomenon, can be seen as a characteristic feature on the objects, these vibrations always have tiny amplitudes which are much less than the wavelengths of the sensing systems, thus these motions information can only be reflected in the phase item of echo. Normally the conventional radar system can detect these micro vibrations through the time frequency analyzing, but these vibration characteristics can only be reflected by time-frequency spectrum, the spatial distribution of these micro vibrations can not be reconstructed precisely. Ghost imaging (GI), a novel imaging method also known as Coincidence Imaging that originated in the quantum and optical fields, can reconstruct unknown images using computational methods. To reconstruct the spatial distribution of micro vibrations, this paper proposes a new method based on a coincidence imaging system. A detailed model of target micro-vibration is created first, taking into account two categories: discrete and continuous targets. We use the first-order field correlation feature to obtain objective different micro vibration distribution based on the complex target models and time-frequency analysis in this work.

  • Wide-spectrum optical synthetic aperture imaging via spatial intensity interferometry

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: High resolution imaging is achieved using increasingly larger apertures and successively shorter wavelengths. Optical aperture synthesis is an important high-resolution imaging technology used in astronomy. Conventional long baseline amplitude interferometry is susceptible to uncontrollable phase fluctuations, and the technical difficulty increases rapidly as the wavelength decreases. The intensity interferometry inspired by HBT experiment is essentially insensitive to phase fluctuations, but suffers from a narrow spectral bandwidth which results in a lack of detection sensitivity. In this study, we propose optical synthetic aperture imaging based on spatial intensity interferometry. This not only realizes diffraction-limited optical aperture synthesis in a single shot, but also enables imaging with a wide spectral bandwidth. And this method is insensitive to the optical path difference between the sub-apertures. Simulations and experiments present optical aperture synthesis diffraction-limited imaging through spatial intensity interferometry in a 100 $nm$ spectral width of visible light, whose maximum optical path difference between the sub-apertures reach $69.36\lambda$. This technique is expected to provide a solution for optical aperture synthesis over kilometer-long baselines at optical wavelengths.

  • Different Channels to Transmit Information in a Scattering Medium

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: A channel should be built to transmit information from one place to another. Imaging is 2 or higher dimensional information communication. Conventionally, an imaging channel comprises a lens and free spaces of its both sides. The transfer function of each part is known; thus, the response of a conventional imaging channel is known as well. Replacing the lens with a scattering layer, the image can still be extracted from the detection plane. That is to say, the scattering medium reconstructs the channel for imaging. Aided by deep learning, we find that different from the lens there are different channels in a scattering medium, i.e., the same scattering medium can construct different channels to match different manners of source encoding. Moreover, we found that without a valid channel the convolution law for a shift-invariant system, i.e., the output is the convolution of its point spread function (PSF) and the input object, is broken, and information cannot be transmitted onto the detection plane. In other words, valid channels are essential to transmit image information through even a shift-invariant system.

  • Hyperspectral image reconstruction for spectral camera based on ghost imaging via sparsity constraints using V-DUnet

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Spectral camera based on ghost imaging via sparsity constraints (GISC spectral camera) obtains three-dimensional (3D) hyperspectral information with two-dimensional (2D) compressive measurements in a single shot, which has attracted much attention in recent years. However, its imaging quality and real-time performance of reconstruction still need to be further improved. Recently, deep learning has shown great potential in improving the reconstruction quality and reconstruction speed for computational imaging. When applying deep learning into GISC spectral camera, there are several challenges need to be solved: 1) how to deal with the large amount of 3D hyperspectral data, 2) how to reduce the influence caused by the uncertainty of the random reference measurements, 3) how to improve the reconstructed image quality as far as possible. In this paper, we present an end-to-end V-DUnet for the reconstruction of 3D hyperspectral data in GISC spectral camera. To reduce the influence caused by the uncertainty of the measurement matrix and enhance the reconstructed image quality, both differential ghost imaging results and the detected measurements are sent into the network's inputs. Compared with compressive sensing algorithm, such as PICHCS and TwIST, it not only significantly improves the imaging quality with high noise immunity, but also speeds up the reconstruction time by more than two orders of magnitude.

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