Your conditions: Jian Wei You
  • Large-area quantum-spin-Hall waveguide states in a three-layer topological photonic crystal heterostructure

    Subjects: Optics >> Quantum optics submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: Topological photonic edge states are conventionally formed at the interface between two domains of topologically trivial and nontrivial photonic crystals. Recent works exploiting photonic quantum Hall and quantum valley Hall effects have shown that large-area topological waveguide states could be created in a three-layer topological heterostructure that consists of a finite-width domain featuring Dirac cone sandwiched between two domains of photonic crystals with opposite topological properties. In this work, we show that a new kind of large-area topological waveguide states could be created employing the photonic analogs of quantum spin Hall effect. Taking the well-used Wu-Hu model in topological photonics as an example, we show that sandwiching a finite-width domain of photonic crystal featuring double Dirac cone between two domains of expanded and shrunken unit cells could lead to the emergence of large-area helical waveguide states distributed uniformly in the middle domain. Importantly, we unveil a power-law scaling regarding to the size of the bandgap within which the large-area helical states reside as a function of the width of the middle domain, which implies that these large-area modes in principle could exist in the middle domain with arbitrary width. Moreover, pseudospin-momentum locking unidirectional propagations and robustness of these large-area waveguide modes against sharp bends are explicitly demonstrated. Our work enlarges the photonic systems and platforms that could be utilized for large-area-mode enabled topological waveguiding.

  • Topological metasurface: From passive toward active and beyond

    Subjects: Optics >> Quantum optics submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: Metasurfaces are subwavelength structured thin films consisting of arrays of units that allow the controls of polarization, phase and amplitude of light over a subwavelength thickness. The recent developments in topological photonics have greatly broadened the horizon in designing the metasurfaces for novel functional applications. In this review, we summarize recent progress in the research field of topological metasurfaces, firstly from the perspectives of passive and active in the classical regime, and then in the quantum regime. More specifically, we begin by examining the passive topological phenomena in two-dimensional photonic systems, including both time-reversal broken systems and time-reversal preserved systems. Subsequently, we move to discuss the cutting-edge studies of the active topological metasurfaces, including nonlinear topological metasurfaces and reconfigurable topological metasurfaces. After overviewing the topological metasurfaces in the classical regime, we show how the topological metasurfaces could provide a new platform for quantum information and quantum many-body physics. Finally, we conclude and describe some challenges and future directions of this fast-evolving field.

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