您选择的条件: Hang Li
  • Simultaneously sorting vector vortex beams of 120 modes

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Polarization (P), angular index (l), and radius index (p) are three independent degrees of freedom (DoFs) of vector vortex beams, which have been widely used in optical communications, quantum optics, information processing, etc. Although the sorting of one DoF can be achieved efficiently, it is still a great challenge to sort all these DoFs simultaneously in a compact and efficient way. Here, we propose a beam sorter to deal with all these three DoFs simultaneously by using a diffractive deep neural network (D$^2$NN) and experimentally demonstrated the robust sorting of 120 Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) modes using a compact D$^2$NN formed by one spatial light modulator and one mirror only. The proposed beam sorter demonstrates the great potential of D$^2$NN in optical field manipulation and will benefit the diverse applications of vector vortex beams.

  • Quantum time reflection and refraction of ultracold atoms

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Time reflection and refraction are temporal analogies of the spatial boundary effects derived from Fermat's principle. They occur when classical waves strike a time boundary where an abrupt change in the properties of the medium is introduced. The main features of time-reflected and refracted waves are the shift of frequency and conservation of momentum, which offer a new degree of freedom for steering extreme waves and controlling phases of matter. The concept was originally proposed for manipulating optical waves more than five decades ago. However, due to the extreme challenges in the ultrafast engineering of the optical materials, the experimental realization of the time boundary effects remains elusive. Here, we introduce a time boundary into a momentum lattice of ultracold atoms and simultaneously demonstrate the time reflection and refraction experimentally. Through launching a Gaussian-superposed state into the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) atomic chain, we observe the time-reflected and refracted waves when the input state strikes a time boundary. Furthermore, we detect a transition from time reflection/refraction to localization with increasing strength of disorder and show that the time boundary effects are robust against considerable disorder. Our work opens a new avenue for future exploration of time boundaries and spatiotemporal lattices, and their interplay with non-Hermiticity and many-body interactions.

  • Generating Haar-uniform Randomness using Stochastic Quantum Walks on a Photonic Chip

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: As random operations for quantum systems are intensively used in various quantum information tasks, a trustworthy measure of the randomness in quantum operations is highly demanded. The Haar measure of randomness is a useful tool with wide applications such as boson sampling. Recently, a theoretical protocol was proposed to combine quantum control theory and driven stochastic quantum walks to generate Haar-uniform random operations. This opens up a promising route to converting classical randomness to quantum randomness. Here, we implement a two-dimensional stochastic quantum walk on the integrated photonic chip and demonstrate that the average of all distribution profiles converges to the even distribution when the evolution length increases, suggesting the 1-pad Haar-uniform randomness. We further show that our two-dimensional array outperforms the one-dimensional array of the same number of waveguide for the speed of convergence. Our work demonstrates a scalable and robust way to generate Haar-uniform randomness that can provide useful building blocks to boost future quantum information techniques.

  • Multifrequency and multimode topological waveguides in Stampfli-triangle photonic crystal with large valley Chern numbers

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Topological photonics and its topological edge state which can suppress scattering and immune defects set off a research boom. Recently, the quantum valley Hall effect (QVHE) with large valley Chern number and its multimode topological transmission have been realized, which greatly improve the mode density of the topological waveguide and its coupling efficiency with other photonic devices. The multifrequency QVHE and its topological transmission have been realized to increase the transmission capacity of topological waveguide, but multifrequency and multimode QVHE have not been realized simultaneously. In this Letter, the valley photonic crystal (VPC) is constructed with the Stampfli-triangle photonic crystal (STPC), and its degeneracies in the low-frequency and high-frequency bands are broken simultaneously to realize the multifrequency and multimode QVHE. The multifrequency and multimode topological transmission is realized through the U-shaped waveguide constructed with two VPCs with opposite valley Chern numbers. According to the bulk-edge correspondence principle, the Chern number is equal to the number of topological edge states or topological waveguide modes. Therefore, we can determine the valley Chern number of the VPC by the number of topological edge states or topological waveguide modes, further determine the realization of large valley Chern number. These results provide new ideas for high-efficiency and high-capacity optical transmission and communication devices and their integration, and broaden the application range of topological edge states.

  • 运营单位: 中国科学院文献情报中心
  • 制作维护:中国科学院文献情报中心知识系统部
  • 邮箱: eprint@mail.las.ac.cn
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