您选择的条件: C. T. Chan
  • Trapped boundary modes without a well-defined bulk gap

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: A boundary mode localized on one side of a finite-size lattice can tunnel to the opposite side which results in unwanted couplings. Conventional wisdom tells that the tunneling probability decays exponentially with the size of the system which thus requires many lattices before eventually becoming negligibly small. Here we show that the tunneling probability for some boundary modes can apparently vanish at specific wave vectors. Meanwhile, the number of wave vectors where tunneling probability vanishes equals the number of lattices perpendicular to the boundary. Thus, similar to bound states in the continuum, a boundary mode can be completely trapped within very few lattices whereat the bulk band gap is not even well-defined. Our idea is proven analytically, and experimentally validated in a dielectric photonic crystal. This feature allows for the extreme flexibility in tunning the hopping between localized states or channels, which facilitates unprecedented manipulation of light such as integrating multiple waveguides without crosstalk and photonic non-abelian braiding.

  • Topological classification for intersection singularities of exceptional surfaces in pseudo-Hermitian systems

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Exceptional points play a pivotal role in the topology of non-Hermitian systems, and significant advances have been made in classifying exceptional points and exploring the associated phenomena. Exceptional surfaces, which are hypersurfaces of exceptional degeneracies in parameter space, can support hypersurface singularities, such as cusps, intersections and swallowtail catastrophes. Here we topologically classify the intersection singularity of exceptional surfaces for a generic pseudo-Hermitian system with parity-time symmetry. By constructing the quotient space under equivalence relations of eigenstates, we reveal that the topology of such gapless structures can be described by a non-Abelian free group on three generators. Importantly, the classification predicts a new kind of non-Hermitian gapless topological phase and can systematically explain how the exceptional surfaces and their intersections evolve under perturbations with symmetries preserved. Our work opens a new pathway for designing systems with robust topological phases, and provides inspiration for applications such as sensing and lasing which can utilize the special properties inherent in exceptional surfaces and intersections.

  • Photonic $\mathbb{Z}_2$ topological Anderson insulators

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: That disorder can induce nontrivial topology is a surprising discovery in topological physics. As a typical example, Chern topological Anderson insulators (TAIs) have been realized in photonic systems, where the topological phases exist without symmetry protection. In this work, by taking TM and TE polarizations as pseudo-spin degrees of freedom, we theoretically propose a scheme to realize disorder-induced symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phase transitions in two-dimensional photonic crystals (PCs) with a combined time-reversal, mirror and duality symmetry $\mathcal{T}_f=\mathcal{T}M_z\mathcal{D}$. In particular, we demonstrate that the disorder-induced SPT phase persists even without pseudo-spin conservation, thereby realizing a photonic $\mathbb{Z}_2$ TAI, in contrast to a $\mathbb{Z}$-classified quantum spin Hall (QSH) TAI with decoupled spins. By formulating a new scattering approach, we show that the topology of both the QSH and $\mathbb{Z}_2$ TAIs can be manifested by the accumulated spin rotations of the reflected waves from the PCs. Using a transmission structure, we also illustrate the trivialization of a disordered QSH phase with an even integer topological index caused by spin coupling.

  • Four-band non-Abelian topological insulator and its experimental realization

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Very recently, increasing attention has been focused on non-Abelian topological charges, e.g. the quaternion group Q8. Different from Abelian topological band insulators, these systems involve multiple tangled bulk bandgaps and support non-trivial edge states that manifest the non-Abelian topological features. Furthermore, a system with even or odd number of bands will exhibit significant difference in non-Abelian topological classifications. Up to now, there is scant research investigating the even-band non-Abelian topological insulators. Here, we both theoretically explored and experimentally realized a four-band PT (inversion and time-reversal) symmetric system, where two new classes of topological charges as well as edge states are comprehensively studied. We illustrate their difference from four-dimensional rotation senses on the stereographically projected Clifford tori. We show the evolution of bulk topology by extending the 1D Hamiltonian onto a 2D plane and provide the accompanying edge state distributions following an analytical method. Our work presents an exhaustive study of four-band non-Abelian topological insulators and paves the way to other even band systems.

  • Intrinsic triple degeneracy point bounded by nodal surfaces in chiral photonic crystal

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In periodic systems, band degeneracies are usually protected and classified by spatial symmetries. However, the Gamma point at zero-frequency of a photonic system is an intrinsic degeneracy due to the polarization degree of freedom of electromagnetic waves. We show here that in chiral photonic crystals, such an intrinsic degeneracy node carries +(-)2 chiral topological charge and the topological characters is the same as a spin-1 Weyl point manifested as a triple degeneracy of two linear propagating bands intersecting a flat band representing the electrostatic solution. Such an intrinsic triple degeneracy point (TDP) at Gamma is usually buried in bulk band projections and the topological charge at photonic zero-frequency has never been observed. Here, by imposing space-group screw symmetry to the chiral photonic crystal, the Brillouin zone boundary is transformed into an oppositely charged nodal surface enclosing the Gamma point. The emergent Fermi-arcs on sample surface are then forced to connect the bulk band projections of these topological singularities, revealing the embedded non-trivial topology.

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