您选择的条件: Bowen Li
  • Spatially-resolved insulator-metal transition for rewritable optical gratings

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Doping is an effective way to tune the property of metal oxides1-5, for achieving functional oxide electronics6-8. Previously we developed a controllable hydrogen doping technology at ambient conditions by use of electron-proton synergistic doping strategy, which enables one to get rid of high-temperature/pressure treatments required by traditional technologies9. Here, based on this facile doping route, we achieve a visual and reversible insulator-metal transition (MIT) for tungsten trioxide (WO3) film. Its outstanding spatial selection is comparable to standard UV lithography, which shows the potential of becoming a viable way for rewritable WO3 grating device fabrication. Furthermore, the period of the obtained WO3 structural grating can also be easily changed for requirement by doping area selection. This advanced doping technology opens up alternative approaches for developing not only optical devices, but also rewritable ions devices and integrated circuits for various oxide electronics.

  • Dissipative soliton generation and real-time dynamics in microresonator-filtered fiber lasers

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Optical frequency combs in microresonators (microcombs) have a wide range of applications in science and technology, due to its compact size and access to considerably larger comb spacing. Despite recent successes, the problems of self-starting, high mode efficiency as well as high output power have not been fully addressed for conventional soliton microcombs. Recent demonstration of laser cavity soliton microcombs by nesting a microresonator into a fiber cavity, shows great potential to solve the problems. Here we comprehensively study the dissipative soliton generation and interaction dynamics in a microresonator-filtered fiber laser in both theory and experiment. We first bring theoretical insight into the mode-locking principle, discuss the parameters effect on soliton properties and provide experimental guidelines for broadband soliton generation. We predict chirped bright dissipative soliton with flat-top spectral envelope in microresonators with normal dispersion, which is fundamentally infeasible for externally driven case. Furthermore, we experimentally achieve soliton microcombs with large bandwidth of ~10 nm and high mode efficiency of 90.7%. Finally, by taking advantage of an ultrahigh-speed time magnifier, we study the real-time soliton formation and interaction dynamics and experimentally observe soliton Newton's cradle. Our study will benefit the design of the novel, high-efficiency and self-starting microcombs for real-world applications.

  • Photonic frequency microcombs based on dissipative Kerr and quadratic cavity solitons

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Optical frequency comb, with precisely controlled spectral lines spanning a broad range, has been the key enabling technology for many scientific breakthroughs. In addition to the traditional implementation based on modelocked lasers, photonic frequency microcombs based on dissipative Kerr and quadratic cavity solitons in high-Q microresonators have become invaluable in applications requiring compact footprint, low cost, good energy efficiency, large comb spacing, and access to nonconventional spectral regions. In this review, we comprehensively examine the recent progress of photonic frequency microcombs and discuss how various phenomena can be utilized to enhance the microcomb performances that benefit a plethora of applications including optical atomic clockwork, optical frequency synthesizer, precision spectroscopy, astrospectrograph calibration, biomedical imaging, optical communications, coherent ranging, and quantum information science.

  • 运营单位: 中国科学院文献情报中心
  • 制作维护:中国科学院文献情报中心知识系统部
  • 邮箱: eprint@mail.las.ac.cn
  • 地址:北京中关村北四环西路33号
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