您选择的条件: Qing Ai
  • Global Correlation and Local Information Flows in Controllable Non-Markovian Open Quantum Dynamics

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: In a fully-controllable experiment platform for studying non-Markovian open quantum dynamics, we show that the non-Markovianity could be investigated from the global and local aspects. By mixing random unitary dynamics, we demonstrate non-Markovian and Markovian open quantum dynamics. From the global point of view, by tuning the base frequency we demonstrate the transition from the Markovianity to the non-Markovianity as measured by the quantum mutual information (QMI). In a Markovian open quantum process, the QMI decays monotonically, while it may rise temporarily in a non-Markovian process. However, under some circumstances, it is not sufficient to globally investigate the non-Markovianity of the open quantum dynamics. As an essential supplement, we further utilize the quantum Fisher information (QFI) flow to locally characterize the non-Markovianity in different channels. We demonstrate that the QMI in combination with the QFI flow are capable of measuring the non-Markovianity for a multi-channel open quantum dynamics.

  • Optical nonreciprocity in rotating diamond with nitrogen-vacancy center

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We theoretically propose a method to realize optical nonreciprocity in rotating nano-diamond with a nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center. Because of the relative motion of the NV center with respect to the propagating fields, the frequencies of the fields are shifted due to the Doppler effect. When the control and probe fields are incident to the NV center from the same direction, the two-photon resonance still holds as the Doppler shifts of the two fields are the same. Thus, due to the electromagnetically-induced transparency (EIT), the probe light can pass through the NV center nearly without absorption. However, when the two fields propagate in opposite directions, the probe light can not effectively pass through the NV center as a result of the breakdown of two-photon resonance.

  • The effect of static disorder on the center line slope in 2D electronic spectroscopy

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2DES) is a powerful tool for investigating the dynamics of complex systems. However, analyzing the resulting spectra can be challenging, and thus may require the use of theoretical modeling techniques. The center line slope (CLS) method is one of such approaches, which aims to extract the time correlation function (TCF) from 2DES with minimal error. Since static disorder is widely observed in complex systems, it may be interesting to ask whether the CLS approach still work in the presence of the static disorder. In this paper, the effect of the static disorder on the TCF obtained through the CLS method is investigated. It is found that the steady-state value of the CLS increases monotonically with respect to the static disorder, which suggests that the amplitude of the static disorder can be determined using the CLS in the long-time limit. Additionally, as the static disorder rises, the decay rate of the CLS first decreases to a certain value and remains at this value until the static disorder is sufficiently large. Afterward, the CLS begins to fluctuate significantly and thus results in obtaining the decay rate through the CLS method unreliable. Based on these discoveries, we propose a method to fix the error and obtain the TCF. Our findings may pave the way for obtaining reliable system-bath information by analyzing 2DES in the practical situations.

  • Criticality-Based Quantum Metrology in the Presence of Decoherence

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Quantum metrology aims to use quantum resources to improve the precision of measurement. Quantum criticality has been presented as a novel and efficient resource. Generally, protocols of criticality-based quantum metrology often work without decoherence. In this paper, we address the issue whether the divergent feature of the inverted variance is indeed realizable in the presence of noise when approaching the QPT. Taking the quantum Rabi model (QRM) as an example, we obtain the analytical result for the inverted variance. We show that the inverted variance may be convergent in time due to the noise. When approaching the critical point, the maximum inverted variance demonstrates a power-law increase with the exponent -1.2, of which the absolute value is smaller than that for the noise-free case, i.e., 2. We also observe a power-law dependence of the maximum inverted variance on the relaxation rate and the temperature. Since the precision of the metrology is very sensitive to the noise, as a remedy, we propose performing the squeezing operation on the initial state to improve the precision under decoherence. In addition, we also investigate the criticality-based metrology under the influence of the two-photon relaxation. Contrary to the single-photon relaxation, the quantum dynamics of the inverted variance shows a completely-different behavior. It does not oscillate with the same frequency with respect to the re-scaled time for different dimensionless coupling strengths. Strikingly, although the maximum inverted variance still manifests a power-law dependence on the energy gap, the exponent is positive and depends on the dimensionless coupling strength. This observation implies that the criticality may not enhance but weaken the precision in the presence of two-photon relaxation. It can be well described by the non-linearity introduced by the two-photon relaxation.

  • Spontaneous emission modulation in biaxial hyperbolic van der Waals material

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: As a natural van der Waals crystal, {\alpha}-MoO3 has excellent in-plane hyperbolic properties and essential nanophotonics applications. However, its actively tunable properties are generally neglected. In this work, we achieved active modulation of spontaneous emission from a single-layer flat plate using the rotation method for the first time. Numerical results and theoretical analysis show that {\alpha}-MoO3 exhibits good tunability when rotated in the y-z or x-y plane. A modulation factor of more than three orders of magnitude can be obtained at 634 cm-1. However, when the rotation is in the x-z plane, the spontaneous emission of the material exhibits strong angle independence. The theoretical formulation and the physical mechanism analysis explain the above phenomenon well. In addition, for the semi-infinite {\alpha}-MoO3 flat structure, we give the distribution of the modulation factor of spontaneous emission with wavenumber and rotation angle. Finally, we extended the calculation results from semi-infinite media to finite thickness films. We obtained the general evolution law of the peak angle of the modulation factor with thickness, increasing the modulation factor to about 2000. We believe that the results of this paper can guide the active modulation of spontaneous emission based on anisotropic materials.

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  • 制作维护:中国科学院文献情报中心知识系统部
  • 邮箱: eprint@mail.las.ac.cn
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