您选择的条件: Zefeng Chen
  • Electrical manipulation of plasmon-phonon polaritons in heterostructures of graphene on biaxial crystals

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Phonon polaritons in natural anisotropic crystals hold great promise for infrared nano-optics. However, the direct electrical control of these polaritons is difficult, preventing the development of active polaritonic devices. Here we propose the heterostructures of graphene on a biaxial crystal ({\alpha}-phase molybdenum trioxide) slab and theoretically study the hybridized plasmon-phonon polaritons with dependence on the Fermi level of graphene from three aspects: dispersion relationships, iso-frequency contours, and the quantum spin Hall effects. We demonstrate the distinct wavelength tunability of the plasmon-phonon polaritons modes and the optical topologic transitions from open (hyperbolic) to closed (bow-tie-like) iso-frequency contours as the increase of the Fermi level of graphene. Furthermore, we observe the tunable quantum spin Hall effects of the plasmon-phonon polaritons, manifesting propagation direction switching by the Fermi level tuning of the graphene. Our findings open opportunities for novel electrically tunable polaritonic devices and programmable quantum optical networks.

  • 运营单位: 中国科学院文献情报中心
  • 制作维护:中国科学院文献情报中心知识系统部
  • 邮箱: eprint@mail.las.ac.cn
  • 地址:北京中关村北四环西路33号
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