Your conditions: Tao Liu
  • Surpassing the classical limit of microwave photonic frequency fading effect by quantum microwave photonics

    Subjects: Optics >> Quantum optics submitted time 2023-02-25

    Abstract: With energy-time entangled biphoton sources as the optical carrier and time-correlated single-photon detection for high-speed radio frequency (RF) signal recovery, the method of quantum microwave photonics (QMWP) has presented the unprecedented potential of nonlocal RF signal encoding and efficient RF signal distilling from the dispersion interference associated with ultrashort pulse carriers. In this letter, its capability in microwave signal processing and prospective superiority is further demonstrated. Both the QMWP RF phase shifting and transversal filtering functionality, which are the fundamental building blocks of microwave signal processing, are realized. Besides the perfect immunity to the dispersion-induced frequency fading effect associated with the broadband carrier in classical microwave photonics, a native two-dimensional parallel microwave signal processor is provided. These demonstrations fully prove the superiority of QMWP over classical MWP and open the door to new application fields of MWP involving encrypted processing.

  • Robust optical frequency transfer in a noisy urban fiber network

    Subjects: Optics >> Quantum optics submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: Optical fibers have been recognized as one of the most promising host material for high phase coherence optical frequency transfer over thousands of kilometers. In the pioneering work, the active phase noise cancellation (ANC) technique has been widely used for suppressing the fiber phase noise introduced by the environmental perturbations, in which an ideal phase detector with high resolution and unlimited detection range is needed to extract the fiber phase noise, in particular for noisy fiber links. We demonstrate the passive phase noise cancellation (PNC) technique without the need of phase detector could be preferable for noisy fiber links. To avoid the effect of the radio frequency (RF) from the time base at the local site in the conventional active or passive phase noise cancellation techniques, here we introduce a fiber-pigtailed acousto-optic modulator (AOM) with two diffraction order outputs (0 and +1 order) with properly allocating the AOM-driving frequencies allowing to cancel the time base effect. Using this technique, we demonstrate transfer of coherent light through a 260 km noisy urban fiber link. The results show the effect of the RF reference can be successfully removed. After being passively compensated, {we demonstrate a fractional frequency instability of $4.9\times10^{-14}$ at the integration time of 1 s and scales down to $10^{-20}$ level at 10,000 s in terms of modified Allan deviation over the 260 km noisy urban fiber link}. The frequency uncertainty of the retrieved light after transferring through this noise-compensated fiber link relative to that of the input light achieves $(0.41\pm4.7)\times10^{-18}$. The proposed technique opens a way to a broad distribution of an ultrastable frequency reference with high coherence without any effects coming from the RF reference and enables a wide range of applications beyond metrology over fiber networks.

  • A portable sub Hertz ultra-stable laser over 1700km highway transportation

    Subjects: Optics >> Quantum optics submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: We present a subHz linewidth portable ultrastable laser with the mass and volume of are 40kg and 400mm*280mm*450mm, respectively, that meets the requirements of automatic frequency locking and road transportation. A dynamic analytical model of the physical parts of ultrastable laser is established, and the first order resonance frequency is determined by FEA and well agrees with the experimentally measured result. To verify the transport performance of the portable ultrastable laser, it is tested for 100 km actual road transportation and 60 min continuous vibration, corresponding to 1700 km road transportation. The success of the test demonstrated that the portable ultrastable laser was very robust. Meanwhile, the portable ultrastable lasers shows that the median of the linewidth distribution is approximately 0.78 Hz, and the fractional frequency instability is less than 3E-15 at 1 to 10 s averaging time. This value approaches the total noise of 2.0E-15 including thermal noise and residual amplitude modulation. The robust suggested that the portable ultrastable laser might be a good candidate such as optical frequency transfer and metrological systems.

  • A proof-of-principle demonstration of quantum microwave photonics

    Subjects: Optics >> Quantum optics submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: With the rapid development of microwave photonics, which has expanded to numerous applications of commercial importance, eliminating the emerging bottlenecks becomes of vital importance. For example, as the main branch of microwave photonics, radio-over-fiber technology provides high bandwidth, low-loss, and long-distance propagation capability, facilitating wide applications ranging from telecommunication to wireless networks. With ultrashort pulses as the optical carrier, huge capacity is further endowed. However, the wide bandwidth of ultrashort pulses results in the severe vulnerability of high-frequency RF signals to fiber dispersion. With a time-energy entangled biphoton source as the optical carrier and combined with the single-photon detection technique, a quantum microwave photonics method is proposed and demonstrated experimentally. The results show that it not only realizes unprecedented nonlocal RF signal modulation with strong resistance to the dispersion associated with ultrashort pulse carriers but provides an alternative mechanism to effectively distill the RF signal out from the dispersion. Furthermore, the spurious-free dynamic range of both the nonlocally modulated and distilled RF signals has been significantly improved. With the ultra-weak detection and high-speed processing advantages endowed by the low-timing-jitter single-photon detection, the quantum microwave photonics method opens up new possibilities in modern communication and networks.

  • Observation of Square-Root Higher-Order Topological States in Photonic Waveguide Arrays

    Subjects: Optics >> Quantum optics submitted time 2023-02-19

    Abstract: Recently, high-order topological insulators (HOTIs), accompanied by topologically nontrivial boundary states with codimension larger than one, have been extensively explored because of unconventional bulk-boundary correspondences. As a novel type of HOTIs, very recent works have explored the square-root HOTIs, where the topological nontrivial nature of bulk bands stems from the square of the Hamiltonian. In this paper, we experimentally demonstrate 2D square-root HOTIs in photonic waveguide arrays written in glass using femtosecond laser direct-write techniques. Edge and corner states are clearly observed through visible light spectra. The dynamical evolutions of topological boundary states are experimentally demonstrated, which further verify the existence of in-gap edge and corner states. The robustness of these edge and corner states is revealed by introducing defects and disorders into the bulk structures. Our studies provide an extended platform for realizing light manipulation and stable photonic devices.

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