• Topological photonic crystal fibers based on second-order corner modes

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Photonic crystal fibers represent one of the most active research fields in modern fiber optics. The recent advancements of topological photonics have inspired new fiber concepts and designs. Here, we demonstrate a new type of topological photonic crystal fibers based on second order photonic corner modes from the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model. Different from previous works where the in-plane properties at $k_z=0$ have been mainly studied, we find that in the fiber configuration of $k_z>0$, a topological bandgap only exists when the propagation constant $k_z$ along the fiber axis is larger than a certain threshold and the emergent topological bandgap at large $k_z$ hosts two sets of corner fiber modes. We further investigate the propagation diagrams, propose a convenient way to tune the frequencies of the corner fiber modes within the topological bandgap and envisage multi-frequency and multi-channel transmission capabilities of this new type of fibers. Our work will not only have practical importance, but could also open a new area for fiber exploration where many existing higher-order topological photonic modes could bring exciting new opportunities for fiber designs and applications.

  • Topologically protected second-harmonic generation via doubly resonant high-order photonic modes

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Topology-driven nonlinear light-matter effects open up new paradigms for both topological photonics and nonlinear optics. Here, we propose to achieve high-efficiency second-harmonic generation in a second-order photonic topological insulator. Such system hosts highly localized topological corner states with large quality factors for both fundamental and second harmonic waves, which could be matched perfectly in frequency by simply tuning the structural parameters. Through the nonlinear interaction of the doubly resonant topological corner states, unprecedented frequency conversion efficiency is predicted. In addition, the robustness of the nonlinear process against defects is also demonstrated. Our work opens up new avenues toward topologically protected nonlinear frequency conversion using high-order photonic topological modes.

  • Dual-Polarization Second-Order Photonic Topological Insulators

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Second-order photonic topological insulators that host highly localized corner states resilient to defects, are opening new routes towards developing fascinating photonic devices. However, the existing works on second-order photonic topological insulators have mainly focused on either transverse magnetic or transverse electric modes. In this paper, we propose a dual-polarization topological photonic crystal structure for both transverse magnetic and transverse electric modes through topology optimization. Simple tight-binding lattice models are constructed to reveal the topological features of the optimized photonic crystal structure in a transparent way. The optimized dual-polarization second-order photonic topological insulator hosts four groups of corner states with different profiles and eigenfrequencies for both the transverse magnetic and transverse electric modes. Moreover, the robustness of theses corner states against defects is explicitly demonstrated. Our results offer opportunities for developing polarization-independent topological photonic devices.

  • Large-area quantum-spin-Hall waveguide states in a three-layer topological photonic crystal heterostructure

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Topological photonic edge states are conventionally formed at the interface between two domains of topologically trivial and nontrivial photonic crystals. Recent works exploiting photonic quantum Hall and quantum valley Hall effects have shown that large-area topological waveguide states could be created in a three-layer topological heterostructure that consists of a finite-width domain featuring Dirac cone sandwiched between two domains of photonic crystals with opposite topological properties. In this work, we show that a new kind of large-area topological waveguide states could be created employing the photonic analogs of quantum spin Hall effect. Taking the well-used Wu-Hu model in topological photonics as an example, we show that sandwiching a finite-width domain of photonic crystal featuring double Dirac cone between two domains of expanded and shrunken unit cells could lead to the emergence of large-area helical waveguide states distributed uniformly in the middle domain. Importantly, we unveil a power-law scaling regarding to the size of the bandgap within which the large-area helical states reside as a function of the width of the middle domain, which implies that these large-area modes in principle could exist in the middle domain with arbitrary width. Moreover, pseudospin-momentum locking unidirectional propagations and robustness of these large-area waveguide modes against sharp bends are explicitly demonstrated. Our work enlarges the photonic systems and platforms that could be utilized for large-area-mode enabled topological waveguiding.

  • A brief review of topological photonics in one, two, and three dimensions

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Topological photonics has attracted increasing attention in recent years due to the unique opportunities it provides to manipulate light in a robust way immune to disorder and defects. Up to now, diverse photonic platforms, rich physical mechanisms and fruitful device applications have been proposed for topological photonics, including one-way waveguide, topological lasing, topological nanocavity, Dirac and Weyl points, Fermi arcs, nodal lines, etc. In this review, we provide an introduction to the field of topological photonics through the lens of topological invariants and bulk-boundary correspondence in one, two, and three dimensions, which may not only offer a unified understanding about the underlying robustness of diverse and distinct topological phenomena of light, but could also inspire further developments by introducing new topological invariants and unconventional bulk-boundary correspondence to the research of topological photonics.

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