• Quasi-monochromatic bright gamma-ray generation from synchronized Compton scattering via azimuthal spatial-temporal coupling

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: High energy photons can be generated via inverse Compton scattering (ICS) in the collision between energetic electrons and intense laser pulse. The development of laser plasma accelerators promises compact and all-optical gamma-ray sources by colliding the electrons from laser wakefield accelerators to its high-power driving pulse reflected by a plasma mirror. However, the law of optical focusing hinders realization of both high photon yield and monochromatic spectrum in this scenario. We propose an azimuthal spatial-temporal convertor that decouples the focal field strength from laser spot size using helical parabolic geometry. It decomposes the driving laser beam into a pulse train of almost identical divergence angle and focal depth, creating synchronized ICS in the optimized linear regime. The scheme resolves the dilemma between high efficiency and narrow energy spread, facilitating the generation of monochromatic gamma-ray using high power lasers beyond relativistic field strengths.

  • Twisting Relativistic Electrons Using Ultra-intense Circularly Polarized Lasers in the Radiation-dominated QED Regime

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Relativistic vortex particles offer a promising avenue for investigating and manipulating processes in high-energy and nuclear physics, as they provide an additional degree of freedom in the form of orbital-angular-momentum (OAM). Despite the potential benefits, the generation and detection of these particles have proven to be a significant challenge. In this work, we present a new method for producing high-energy vortex electrons and $\gamma$-photons by colliding relativistic electrons with circularly polarized laser pulses in the radiation-dominated quantum electrodynamics (QED) regime. We use the laser-dressed vortex state to develop a nonlinear scattering theory, which allows us to understand the transfer of spin angular momenta (SAM) to intrinsic OAM in the highly nonlinear multi-photon process. The theory shows that electrons in the vortex state carry higher intrinsic OAM when radiation-reaction becomes significant, with the central OAM number proportional to the amount of energy taken by the $\gamma$-photon. This study provides an effective approach to generating high-energy vortex electron beams using laser intensities that are currently achievable. Additionally, the emission spectra of energetic electrons in vortex states are found to exhibit multi-peaks, which sets them apart from plane-wave electrons and makes them easier to distinguish.

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