• Decision-making and control with metasurface-based diffractive neural networks

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The ultimate goal of artificial intelligence is to mimic the human brain to perform decision-making and control directly from high-dimensional sensory input. All-optical diffractive neural networks provide a promising solution for implementing artificial intelligence with high-speed and low-power consumption. To date, most of the reported diffractive neural networks focus on single or multiple tasks that do not involve interaction with the environment, such as object recognition and image classification. In contrast, the networks that can perform decision-making and control, to our knowledge, have not been developed yet. Here, we propose using deep reinforcement learning to implement diffractive neural networks that imitate human-level decision-making and control capability. Such networks allow for finding optimal control policies through interaction with the environment and can be readily realized with the dielectric metasurfaces. The superior performances of these networks are verified by engaging three types of classic games, Tic-Tac-Toe, Super Mario Bros., and Car Racing, and achieving the same or even higher levels comparable to human players. Our work represents a solid step of advancement in diffractive neural networks, which promises a fundamental shift from the target-driven control of a pre-designed state for simple recognition or classification tasks to the high-level sensory capability of artificial intelligence. It may find exciting applications in autonomous driving, intelligent robots, and intelligent manufacturing.

  • Polarization-independent second-order photonic topological corner states

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Recently, much attention has been paid to second-order photonic topological insulators (SPTIs), because of their support for highly localized corner states with excellent robustness. SPTIs have been implemented in either transverse magnetic (TM) or transverse electric (TE) polarizations in two-dimensional (2D) photonic crystals (PCs), and the resultant topological corner states are polarization-dependent, which limits their application in polarization-independent optics. However, to achieve polarization-independent corner states is not easy, since they are usually in-gap and the exact location in the topological bandgap is not known in advance. Here, we report on a SPTI based on a 2D square-lattice PC made of an elliptic metamaterial, and whether the bandgap is topological or trivial depends on the choice of the unit cell. It is found that locations of topological bandgaps of TM and TE polarizations in the frequency spectrum can be independently controlled by the out-of-plane permittivity $\varepsilon_\perp$ and in-plane permittivity $\varepsilon_{\varparallel}$, respectively, and more importantly, the location of in-gap corner states can also be separately manipulated by them. From this, we achieve topological corner states for both TM and TE polarizations with the same frequency in the PC by adjusting $\varepsilon_\perp$ and $\varepsilon_\varparallel$, and their robustness against disorders and defects are numerically demonstrated. The proposed SPTI provides a potential application scenario for polarization-independent topological photonic devices.

  • Strong coupling between excitons and quasi-Bound states in the continuum in the bulk transition metal dichalcogenides

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: We investigate the strong coupling between the excitons and quasi-bound states in the continuum (BIC) resonance in a bulk WS$_2$ metasurface. Here we employ the bulk WS$_2$ to construct an ultrathin nanodisk metasurface, supporting the symmetry-protected magnetic dipole (MD) quasi-BIC resonance, which can self-hybridize with the excitons and lead to a strong light-matter interaction enhancement within the structure without the necessity for an external cavity. This strong coupling can be charactered by the considerable Rabi splitting of 159 meV and the clearly anti-crossing behavior appeared in the absorption spectrum. Furthermore, we analyze such light-matter coupling by constructing a Hamiltonian model including the surplus excitons, and tune the interaction from weak coupling to strong coupling regimes via the tunability radiation loss of the quasi-BIC resonance. Our results have great potential for manipulating the exciton-polaritons at room temperature, and provide a promising prospect for photonic devices that exploit strong coupling in applications.

  • Manipulating strong coupling between exciton and quasi-bound states in the continuum resonance

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Strong coupling exhibits unique ability to preserve quantum sates between light and matter, which is essential for the development of quantum information technology. To explore the physical mechanism behind this phenomenon, we employ the tight-binding method for expanding the temporal coupled-mode theory, with the absorption spectrum formula of coupled system directly obtained in an analytical way. It reveals all the physical meaning of parameters defined in our theory, and shows how to tailor lineshapes of the coupled systems. Here, we set an example to manipulate the strong coupling in a hybrid structure composed of excitons in monolayer WS$_2$ and quasi-bound states in the continuum supported by the TiO$_2$ nanodisk metasurfaces. The simulated results show that a clear spectral splitting appeared in the absorption curve, which can be controlled by adjusting the asymmetric parameter of the nanodisk metasurfaces and well fitted through our theoretical predictions. Our work not only gives a more comprehensive understanding of such coupled systems, but also offers a promising strategy in controlling the strong light-matter coupling to meet diversified application requests.

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