  • Fast digital refocusing and depth of field extended Fourier ptychography microscopy

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Fourier ptychography microscopy (FPM), sharing its roots with synthetic aperture technique and phase retrieval method, is a recently developed computational microscopic super-resolution technique. By turning on the light-emitting diode (LED) elements sequentially and acquiring the corresponding images that contain different spatial frequencies, FPM can achieve a wide field-of-view (FOV), high-spatial-resolution imaging, and phase recovery simultaneously. Conventional FPM assumes that the sample is sufficiently thin and strictly in focus. Nevertheless, even for a relatively thin sample, the non-planar distribution characteristics and the non-ideal position/posture of the sample will cause all or part of FOV to be defocused. In this paper, we proposed a fast digital refocusing and depth-of-field (DOF) extended FPM strategy by taking the advantages of image lateral shift caused by sample defocusing and varied-angle illuminations. The lateral shift amount is proportional to the defocus distance and the tangent of the illumination angle. Instead of searching the optimal defocus distance in optimization strategy, which is time-consuming, the defocus distance of each subregion of the sample can be precisely and quickly obtained by calculating the relative lateral shift amounts corresponding to different oblique illuminations. And then, the digital refocusing strategy rooting in the Fresnel propagator is integrated into the FPM framework to achieve the high-resolution and phase information reconstruction for each part of the sample, which means the DOF the FPM is effectively extended. The feasibility of the proposed method in fast digital refocusing and FOV extending is verified in the actual experiments with the USAF chart and biological samples.

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