• Self-induced optical non-reciprocity

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Non-reciprocal optical components are indispensable in optical applications, and their realization without any magnetic field arose increasing research interests in photonics. Exciting experimental progress has been achieved by either introducing spatial-temporal modulation of the optical medium or combining Kerr-type optical nonlinearity with spatial asymmetry in photonic structures. However, extra driving fields are required for the first approach, while the isolation of noise and the transmission of the signal cannot be simultaneously achieved for the other approach. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a new concept of nonlinear non-reciprocal susceptibility for optical media and realize the completely passive isolation of optical signals without any external bias field. The self-induced isolation by the input signal is demonstrated with an extremely high isolation ratio of 63.4 dB, a bandwidth of 2.1 GHz for 60 dB isolation, and a low insertion loss of around 1 dB. Furthermore, novel functional optical devices are realized, including polarization purification and non-reciprocal leverage. The demonstrated nonlinear non-reciprocity provides a versatile tool to control light and deepen our understanding of light-matter interactions, and enables applications ranging from topological photonics to unidirectional quantum information transfer in a network.

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