• The Quadruplon in a Monolayer Semiconductor

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: So far, composite particles involving two or three constituent particles have been experimentally identified, such as the Cooper pairs, excitons, and trions in condensed matter physics, or diquarks and mesons in quantum chromodynamics. Although the four-body irreducible entities have long been predicted theoretically in a variety of physical systems alternatively as quadruplons, quadrons, or quartets, the closely related experimental observation so far seems to be restricted to the field of elementary particles (e.g. the recent tetraquark at CERN). In this article, we present the first experimental evidence for the existence of a four-body irreducible entity, the quadruplon, involving two electrons and two holes in a monolayer of Molybdenum Ditelluride. Using the optical pump-probe technique, we discovered a series of new spectral features that are distinct from those of trions and bi-excitons. By solving the four-body Bethe-Salpeter equation in conjunction with the cluster expansion approach, we are able to explain these spectral features in terms of the four-body irreducible cluster or the quadruplons. In contrast to a bi-exciton which consists of two weakly bound excitons, a quadruplon consists of two electrons and two holes without the presence of an exciton. Our results provide experimental evidences of the hitherto theorized four-body entities and thus could impact the understanding of the structure of matter in a wide range of physical systems or new semiconductor technologies.

  • The effect of static disorder on the center line slope in 2D electronic spectroscopy

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2DES) is a powerful tool for investigating the dynamics of complex systems. However, analyzing the resulting spectra can be challenging, and thus may require the use of theoretical modeling techniques. The center line slope (CLS) method is one of such approaches, which aims to extract the time correlation function (TCF) from 2DES with minimal error. Since static disorder is widely observed in complex systems, it may be interesting to ask whether the CLS approach still work in the presence of the static disorder. In this paper, the effect of the static disorder on the TCF obtained through the CLS method is investigated. It is found that the steady-state value of the CLS increases monotonically with respect to the static disorder, which suggests that the amplitude of the static disorder can be determined using the CLS in the long-time limit. Additionally, as the static disorder rises, the decay rate of the CLS first decreases to a certain value and remains at this value until the static disorder is sufficiently large. Afterward, the CLS begins to fluctuate significantly and thus results in obtaining the decay rate through the CLS method unreliable. Based on these discoveries, we propose a method to fix the error and obtain the TCF. Our findings may pave the way for obtaining reliable system-bath information by analyzing 2DES in the practical situations.

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