• Wide-angle giant photonic spin Hall effect

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Photonic spin Hall effect is a manifestation of spin-orbit interaction of light and can be measured by a transverse shift \lambda of photons with opposite spins. The precise measurement of transverse shifts can enable many spin-related applications, such as precise metrology and optical sensing. However, this transverse shift is generally small (i.e. \delta /\lambda {10}^{2}) have severe limitations, particularly its occurrence only over a narrow angular cone (with a width of \Delta \theta {70}^{\circ} by exploiting the interface between free space and uniaxial epsilon-near-zero media. The underlying mechanism is ascribed to the almost-perfect polarization splitting between s and p polarized waves at the designed interface. Remarkably, this almost-perfect polarization splitting does not resort to the interference effect and is insensitive to the incident angle, which then gives rise to the wide-angle giant photonic spin Hall effect.

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