• Scalable higher-order exceptional surface with passive resonators

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: The sensitivity of perturbation sensing can be effectively enhanced with higher-order exceptional points due to the nonlinear response to frequency splitting. However, the experimental implementation is challenging since all the parameters need to be precisely prepared. The emergence of exceptional surface (ES) improves the robustness of the system to the external environment, while maintaining the same sensitivity. Here, we propose the first scalable protocol for realizing photonic high-order exceptional surface with passive resonators. By adding one or more additional passive resonators in the low-order ES photonic system, the 3- or arbitrary N-order ES is constructed and proved to be easily realized in experiment. We show that the sensitivity is enhanced and experimental demonstration is more resilent against the fabrication errors. The additional phase-modulation effect is also investigated.

  • Dynamical encircling exceptional point in largely detuned multimode optomechanical system

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Dynamical encircling exceptional point(EP) shows a number of intriguing physical phenomena and its potential applications. To enrich the manipulations of optical systems in experiment, here, we study the dynamical encircling EP, i.e. state transfer process, in largely detuned multimode optomechanical system. The process of state transfer has been investigated with different factors about the location of start point, the orientation and the initial state of the trajectories around the EP in parameter space. Results show that the nonreciprocal and the chiral topological energy transfer between two optical modes are performed successfully by tuning the effective optomechanical coupling in the multimode system with large detuning. Moreover, the factor of evolution speed about system parameters is also discussed. Our work demonstrates the fundamental physics around EP in large detuning domain of multimode optomechanical system and provides an alternative for manipulating of optical modes in non-hermitian system.

  • Tunable partial polarization beam splitter and optomechanically induced Faraday effect

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Polarization beam splitter (PBS) is a crucial photonic element to separately extract transverse-electric (TE) and transverse-magnetic (TM) polarizations from the propagating light fields. Here, we propose a concise, continuously tunable and all-optical partial PBS in the vector optomechanical system which contains two orthogonal polarized cavity modes with degenerate frequency. The results show that one can manipulate the polarization states of different output fields by tuning the polarization angle of the pumping field and the system function as partial PBS when the pump laser polarizes vertically or horizontally. As a significant application of the tunable PBS, we propose a scheme of implementing quantum walks in resonator arrays without the aid of other auxiliary systems. Furthermore, we investigate the optomechanically induced Faraday effect in the vector optomechanical system which enables arbitrary tailoring of the input lights and the behaviors of polarization angles of the output fields in the under couple, critical couple, and over couple regimes. Our findings prove the optomechanical system is a potential platform to manipulate the polarization states in multimode resonators and boost the process of applications related to polarization modulation.

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