您选择的条件: Gewei Qian
  • Measuring Zak phase in room-temperature atoms

    分类: 光学 >> 量子光学 提交时间: 2023-02-19

    摘要: Cold atoms provide a flexible platform for synthesizing and characterizing topolog-ical matter, where geometric phases play a central role. However, cold atoms are intrinsically prone to thermal noise, which can overwhelm the topological response and hamper promised applications. On the other hand, geometric phases also de-termine the energy spectra of particles subjected to a static force, based on the po-larization relation between Wannier-Stark ladders and geometric Zak phases. By exploiting this relation, we develop a method to extract geometric phases from en-ergy spectra of room-temperature superradiance lattices, which are momentum-space lattices of timed Dicke states. In such momentum-space lattices the thermal motion of atoms, instead of being a source of noise, provides effective forces which lead to spectroscopic signatures of the Zak phases. We measure Zak phases direct-ly from the anti-crossings between Wannier-Stark ladders in the Doppler-broadened absorption spectra of superradiance lattices. Our approach paves the way of measuring topological invariants and developing their applications in room-temperature atoms.

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  • 制作维护:中国科学院文献情报中心知识系统部
  • 邮箱: eprint@mail.las.ac.cn
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